Mitosis Animation in P5.js
This is my implementation of the Coding Challenge #6: Mitosis Simulation with p5.js by The Coding Train. I used P5.js instead of Processing.
In my implementation I add the feature that when the cells splits the new cells accelerate in a random direction. To split a cell you ned to click on it. The cells will also move around randomly if they are not splitting.
The code is available on Github.
The project is divided in two files, the index.js
and the cell.js
. The index.js
is the main file and it contains the setup
and draw
function that is the entry point of the animation. The cell.js
contains the Cell
class that is used to represent the cells in the simulation.
// index.js
import p5 from 'p5';
import Cell from './Cell';
const sketch = (p) => {
let cells = [];
p.setup = () => {
p.createCanvas(500, 500);
cells.push(new Cell(p));
p.draw = () => {
cells.forEach(cell => {
p.mousePressed = (e) => {
for(let i =0; i < cells.length; i++) {
if (cells[i].clicked(p.mouseX, p.mouseY)) {
let newCells = cells[i].mitosis();
cells = cells.concat(newCells);
cells.splice(i, 1);
new p5(sketch, "sk-mitosis-cells"")
// cell.js
class Cell {
constructor(ctx, Vpos, r, color, Vvel) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.color = color ? color : this.ctx.color(this.ctx.random(255), this.ctx.random(255), this.ctx.random(255));
this.r = r ? r : 80;
if (Vpos) {
this.Vpos = Vpos;
} else {
const x = this.ctx.random(this.r, this.ctx.width - this.r);
const y = this.ctx.random(this.r, this.ctx.height - this.r);
this.Vpos = this.ctx.createVector(x, y);
if (Vvel) {
this.Vvel = Vvel;
} else {
this.Vvel = this.ctx.createVector(0, 0);
show() {
this.ctx.ellipse(this.Vpos.x, this.Vpos.y, this.r*2, this.r*2);
move() {
if(this.Vvel.mag() > 0.01) {
} else {
let v = this.ctx.createVector(this.ctx.random(-1, 1), this.ctx.random(-1, 1));
mitosis() {
const mag = 10;
const angle_1 = this.ctx.random(0, this.ctx.PI);
const angle_2 = angle_1 + this.ctx.PI;
const v1 = this.ctx.createVector(mag * this.ctx.cos(angle_1), mag * this.ctx.sin(angle_1));
const v2 = this.ctx.createVector(mag * this.ctx.cos(angle_2), mag * this.ctx.sin(angle_2));
console.log(angle_1, angle_2);
return [
new Cell(this.ctx, this.Vpos.copy(), this.r*0.8, this.color, v1),
new Cell(this.ctx, this.Vpos.copy(), this.r*0.8, this.color, v2),
clicked(x, y) {
const d = this.ctx.dist(this.Vpos.x, this.Vpos.y, x, y);
return d <= this.r;
export default Cell;