Storage App
This app allow to manage a stock of "products" (could be anything) in a SQLite database. It is written in Python and uses the Django framework. This application is intended to be used in a local network, so it is not secure enough to be used in a production environment. And could be used as a template to create a more complex application.
- Create, edit and delete products
- Register of all the changes made to the products
- User authentication and management using the library django-allauth.
- Export the products to a CSV file (To Be implemented)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Create a virtual environment and activate it:
Mac and Linux:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m venv venv
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- migrate the database
python migrate
- Create a superuser
python createsuperuser
- Run the server
python runserver
Field | Type | Description |
name | CharField | Name of the product |
description | TextField | Description of the product |
stock | OneToOneField | Quantity model |
created_at | DateTimeField | Date and time of the creation of the product |
updated_at | DateTimeField | Date and time of the last update of the product |
Field | Type | Description |
quantity | IntegerField | Quantity of the product in the stock |
created_at | DateTimeField | Date and time of the creation of the product |
updated_at | DateTimeField | Date and time of the last update of the product |
Field | Type | Description |
User | ForeignKey | User that made the change |
description | TextField | Description of the change |
created_at | DateTimeField | Date and time of the creation of the transaction |
updated_at | DateTimeField | Date and time of the last update of the transaction |